Environmental Impact Assessment

We assist our clients to get their projects planned, built and operated on schedule, while meeting their own expectations for management of environmental impacts on the local surrounding which includes social and cultural resources through establishment of an EIA report. This report outlines assessment of possible positive or negative impacts that a proposed project may have on the environment, consisting of the environmental, social, economic and risk aspects of the project

Mix development

Agriculture & flowers


Enviromental Management Plan

An EMP is a site-specific plan developed to ensure that all necessary measures are identified, implemented and audited in order to protect the environment. We assist our clients to comply with environmental legislation and approval conditions stipulated by the Department of Environment (DOE). We also support the environmental monitoring requirements under this EMP program.






Mix development

Air Monitoring

Air quality monitoring is carried out to assess the extent of pollution, ensure compliance with national legislation, evaluate control options, and provide data for air quality modeling. Most monitoring plans are designed with human health objectives in mind, and monitoring stations are therefore established in population centers . Background monitoring stations are also established, to act as a “control” when determining source apportionment. Typically, the results are compared to the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Guidelines or other adopted standard.

Water Monitor

The objective of water quality monitoring which includes effluent, surface, marine and ground water, is to obtain quantitative information on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water via statistical sampling. The water monitoring is conducted to determine the environmental state and analysis of temporal water quality trends. AMR is able to conduct site sampling, pollutant finger-print studies and also provide treatment recommendations. We help our clients identify any potential water quality issues and mitigate long-term risks though site-specific solutions that enables our clients to deliver their environmental and corporate social commitment.

Noise Monitoring

Noise monitoring is monitored typically for construction and industrial activities that may cause nuisance to neighbouring receptors. Boundary noise monitoring at industrial sites maybe required for a combination of regulatory, environmental and community reasons. Measurement requirements can vary from short term detailed readings to long term monitoring of noise emission trends. AMR is able to provide site monitoring, modelling and consultancy services to identify potential noise sources and recommends the best practical engineering means to mitigate the noise issue.

Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

ESCP are measures which is conducted to reduce the amount of soil particles that are carried off that may be deposited in a receiving water causing pollution. Clearing, grading or altering undisturbed land associated mainly by site construction activities will have potential impacts on water quality. We assist our clients by providing the best practical and budgetary solution for the implementation of this plan in order to meet the requirement by the DOE.


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